Sword of the Stranger
Set in Feudal Japan (Warring States period of the Muromachi era) like Inu-Yasha, the "samurai spirits" anime involves the unlikely partnership of a nameless man and and boy he was ordered to kill. As the two embark on a journey to uncover mysteries and lost memories, they will face numerous assassins, each determined to make the search for self-identity a deadly expedition.
Alternative title:
ストレンヂア -無皇刃譚-
Mukoh Hadan
Format: RMVB
Size: ~350Mb
Subbed by: Q-R
Hi the second part of this is giving me an error message! Can you fix it?
Thank you very much.
Temp error? 2nd works now.
Hi, sorry but yesterday after the waiting time was giving me as error message... but today not! Thank you anyway!
Hi, if i extract the files the 4th part give me an error message that its broken.
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